Are Neck Adjustments Performed By A Chiropractor Safe?
Are Neck Adjustments Performed By a Chiropractor Safe?

Chiropractic Neck Adjustments from Doctors - Safe or Not?
Chiropractic Neck Adjustments are safe when performed by a professionally trained and licensed to deliver chiropractic care. Serious complications associated with chiropractic adjustment are rare but may include A herniated disk or a worsening of an existing disk herniation.
When done properly, a chiropractic neck adjustment is not only safer and better for the patient’s health but also comes with the benefit of having almost zero side effects that are commonly associated with prescription drugs. Our clinic offers safe neck adjustments .
Medical Care You Can Trust
Chiropractic Care and Adjustments have always been questioned by conventional medical professionals due to the simple fact that alternative medicine and therapies are seen as less-than-helpful and potential scams.
Before strict licensing requirements, it was common for any fraudster with an office in the Triad area to proclaim themselves as North Carolina's "chiropractic expert" and worsen the medical conditions of the hapless patients who went to them hoping for proper medical care.
Luckily, times have changed and chiropractic care for neck pain and other ailments has recently gained much more trust in the medical community.
When done properly, a chiropractic neck adjustment is not only safer and better for the patient’s health but also comes with the benefit of having almost zero side effects that are commonly associated with prescription drugs (which often do more harm than good in the long run).
While it has its risks, the chances of medical emergencies caused by wrong chiropractic neck adjustments are extremely rare compared to the thousands of deaths caused by opioids and other prescription drugs deemed safe and healthy by millions of Americans.
What is a Chiropractic Neck Adjustment?
In our daily life every now and then we crack our necks, toes, back and finger joints when we feel sore or slightly numb. What happens when we do this is we relieve the tension accrued at the joints, effectively reducing physical stress.
This is the basis of a chiropractic adjustment.
At Cobb Chiropractic, our chiropractors use their advanced anatomical knowledge to apply pressure properly to alleviate your neck pain and reduce stress.
While the basic theory behind it may be simple, it’s a highly sensitive process that requires a proper professional with years of hands-on experience.
Something we all tend to associate with a visit to the chiropractor’s office is that quintessential pop. If fear of pain from the pop is holding you back from visiting your local chiropractor, it is often a healing part of the process. The popping noise when you or a chiropractor crack your neck leads to the breakdown of joint capsules that contain a certain fluid that provides comfort when stretched. These joints are called facet joints, and they are located on the sides of your neck.
That’s why you always move your neck sideways when you crack your neck instead of a forward and backward motion.
Why Should You Get a Chiropractic Neck Adjustment?
As a form of chiropractic care for neck pain, the main function of a neck adjustment is to properly realign joints in case they’re misaligned. Misalignment is a common cause of the soreness and stress that accompanies chronic neck pain, so realignment offers relief from this pain and pressure.
This happens due to the release of endorphins which are freed when the neck is adjusted properly by a professional chiropractor.
The muscles and vertebrae in the neck are responsible for all the movement of your head, and when your neck is out of alignment, that pain can spread to your back or upper arms, resulting in even more discomfort. If you are feeling pain throughout your spinal column and up into your neck, you should visit a chiropractor for a neck adjustment.
Are Neck Adjustments Safe? Here’s Some Potential Side Effects
While a chiropractic neck adjustment offers superb benefits, there are also some side effects and risks involved as even the best professionals are prone to accidents and mistakes.
While none of them are serious or life-threatening, common side effects include the following
- Tiredness and discomfort that generally subside within 24 hours
- Pinching of nerves in the neck area might make it extremely painful to move your neck
- Strain on muscles that are around the neck joints
When Should You Get a Chiropractic Neck Adjustment?
A chiropractic neck adjustment is a serious matter and not a light treatment like a massage which can be enjoyed without suffering from any injuries or pain, just for relaxation.
If you’re a desk jockey or an IT professional who has to stare at documents and the monitor at all times, it’s common for stress to accumulate and crack your neck once in a while to get relief.
However, if the problem is accompanied by pain and persists for lengthy periods of time with the cracking of joints bringing no relief, it’s high time you should consider paying a visit to a chiropractor.
Observe if your neck is swollen and if there is acute pain in the joints. These are the classic signs of a neck injury or infection that need immediate attention from a professional chiropractor adept at doing neck adjustments.
Schedule The Triad's Best Chiropractic Care for Neck Pain Relief at Cobb Chiropractic
The best thing about chiropractic care and adjustments is that it utilizes advanced anatomical knowledge of the human body to readjust joint problems instead of surgeries and prescription medicine.
Through proper chiropractic therapy over long stretches of time, the injuries not only heal but the damaged and affected muscle groups grow stronger as well.
Another point to notice is that it promotes lifestyle changes instead of making a person dependent on prescription drugs, which quickly turn ineffective and require a larger dosage of medication than before.
So if you’re suffering from long-term neck pain or want to know if neck adjustment is safe, know that a chiropractic adjustment from Cobb Chiropractic Clinic is a safe and effective means of finding relief.
Schedule an appointment with Cobb Chiropractic today.
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3:00pm - 6:00pm
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Saturday & Sunday
Cobb Chiropractic Clinic
1001 N Elm St
Greensboro, NC 27401